

KARMIC READING is designed to explore all your primary karmic blocks and restrictions originating from your past and present lives that are having an impact on your current life and clearing them forever in your Akashic Records.

Your present, as well as your future, is an outcome of your past choices. Negative choices and actions in your past lives often manifest as negative situations in your present and future lives. Issues like lack of abundance, failure, fear, relationship issues, negative behavioural patterns, self-destructive habits, limitations, sadness, diseases etc. often have their roots in your past negative choices and actions.
KARMIC READING is designed to explore all your primary karmic blocks and restrictions originating from your past and present lives that are having an impact on your current life and clearing them forever in your Akashic Records.
This reading will give you a detailed account of how and when you made those negative choices and will help you gain an insight and understanding into how those choices are currently shaping up your present and future lives. Clearing these blocks in your records will infuse divine vital force energy in your body and chakra system so that you can make new positive choices in future and open doorways to create a more abundant and purposeful life.


  • ● Know your divine soul energy and divine gifts and talents
    ● Use your unique gifts to align to abundance and create results in your life easily and effortlessly
    ● Clear your blocks to resolve your issues and open doorways to more positive choices and situations in your life
    ● Become the master of your destiny and shape your life to divine abundance and purpose