

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a relaxed hypnotic process through which a person is guided into a deeply relaxed sleep state to access a conscious and subconscious state of mind.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a relaxed hypnotic process through which a person is guided into a deeply relaxed sleep state to access conscious and subconscious state of mind. During this relaxed state, deeper, embedded memory prints from your past lives and present life childhood can be accessed to explore the root cause of your present life issue and bring it to closure by revisiting those memories again. 

PLRT is based on the concept of karma and reincarnation. Many unexplained physical, spiritual and psychological issues including phobias and traumas often have their roots in your past memories. When a person has undergone a traumatic experience or death in his past life, often that unresolved trauma (including negative behavioural patterns) gets lodged in the soul memory. When the soul reincarnates again, that trauma or pattern is imprinted and held in your subconscious mind. 

PLRT is a very powerful tool which helps you in revisiting and releasing those memories and patterns from your subconscious mind forever thereby eliminating the root cause of your current issue.

Unresolved karma from your past lives, negative behavioural patterns, trauma, abuse, karmic debts etc. can only be understood once you see the complete picture because that is your highest truth. Seeing, reliving and releasing the memory, that is the root cause behind your life problem, not only brings greater clarity and wisdom but also brings you closure to your issues. You can also visit future timelines and future lives through PLRT to seek greater understanding and clarity about your future.